Trump and The Slave Mentality
There has never been a more corrupting force than religion. “Do as I say, not as I do.” It’s amazing how God, the so-called creator of the Universe and all that is in it — a person who created all beings “in his own image” feels the need to dictate to the people he created, a creed on how to live their lives.
Create the ten commandments in a way to instill obedience — at the same time creating “free will” to absolve god from responsibility. Thou shall not commit murder, but if you do — it was free will. Oh, and don’t worry about going to hell because if you give yourself to god, and beg for his forgiveness, you will be redeemed. Ahhhhhh, the good ol’ redemption story.
So, what does this have to do with Trump and the slave mentality?
Trump has been a disaster of a president, and it baffles most people how he still manages to have a stranglehold on 35–40% of the people in this Country. The 35–40% of the people in this Country that support Trump are the same people who believe in Aliens. They are the same people who believe the Corona Virus is a hoax created by Bill Gates and George Soros in an effort to effect mind control. They don’t believe in Climate Change, but they do believe that Jesus will come back down to Earth and claim judgement on the people.
The last point is what the Trump presidency is all about. The reason why cult leaders have a strong following — a strong following who are willing to die for their leader — is because the leader will always say that they are doing what they are doing because god told them. The evangelical Christians believe that Trump is “the chosen one”, and to go against him is to go against god. They secretly support Trump because they want their seat in the kingdom of heaven when the rapture happens, and that exposes religion for the scam that it is.
Christians justify their racism because they believe it is written in the Bible. Christians condone homosexuality because it is written in the bible. Christians believe that people trying to enter America for a better life need to go back to their Country. Christians believe that unarmed black men killed by white cops deserve to die because they were threatening the officers. They have a checkered past — the same checkered past that is viewed as redemptive to some — deter-mental to others.
Trump has been able to destroy every rule of law in almost every institution, and he is allowed to get away with it. Politicians are too afraid to criticize him because they are afraid of a negative tweet…2020 folks.
This is the election of all elections. It is important for ever single eligible voter to vote on Nov. 3rd, and vote this fucker out. It is also important to vote out all his enablers. It is important to let the 30–40% of this Country to know that they are on the wrong side of history, and only time will tell.
However, one thing is certain: if a man has acted recklessly in his first term when he has to face a reelection, how do you think he will act in a second term? He controls every lever of Govt. He has control of the military. He has control of the Justice Dept. He even controls the Post Office. If he wins the election he will be the slave master, and we all will be his slaves. This is funny because the non-mask wearers like to refer to mask wearers as the sheep. However, either way, we are all being led to slaughter.