Are we living in hell?
It’s safe to sat that we all question our purpose in life. Atheist’s think life is a fluke, while religious people think we are God’s master plan. I’m not bold enough or smart enough to know the answer, but what I can say is that if God created “man” in his own image — does that make him both good and evil? Does the man who put his knee down on George Floyd’s neck for 9 minutes as Godly as the Pope?
The religious world deals in two realms. There is heaven and there is hell. Heaven is the realm under the control of God. Hell is the realm that is under the control of Satan. What we do and how we behave in our lives dictates where we go to spend eternity in the after-life. Live a life obedient to God — eternity in heaven. Live a life loyal to Satan — live the after-life in hell.
Well, if that is the case then where will Trump supporters and Evangelical Christians go? The liberal left clearly sees that these people are full of hate, and that redemption into the kingdom of heaven is not possible. The hating of gays, blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ is clearly not right. I mean, “in his own image”, right?
So, what is the master plan? I have a theory that explains it all…mostly and my theory is this — when a person is first born they are born white. They go about their lives, and if they grow up to hate black people, when they die they will be reincarnated as a black person. As they grow up as a black person, if they have a hatred for gay people, when they die they will be reincarnated as a gay person, and as they live life as a gay person if they grow up to hate Hispanics, they will be reincarnated as a Hispanic. This will continue until the person has no hate in their soul. Then, and only then, they will be born to assume a position of power — clergy, politician, police officer, CEO, etc. and how they perform in that role will depend on if they ascend to heaven or remain in hell.
You see, the only way to explain all the hate I have both seen and personally witnessed in this World is to firmly believe that hell is Earth. Serial killers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, narcissists, and the hate-mongers among us can’t help themselves. This is the path in life that they chose for themselves due to their past lives.
I guess that explains why some people will always be scumbags, and maybe that is part of “God’s master plan”.